Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh, What a Night

Oh, what a night. We were there until ten again but I left with 1. A Stand Up 2 Cancer T-shirt 2. With the knowledge that my supervisor also loves SMG and Buffy. And finally 3. With the satisfaction of knowing that I forced my two superiors and fellow intern to listen to the SPICE GIRLS. Once again, Oh what a night.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Still NOT Over Saturday!!!

Because I got to see HER live!!!!

Kathy Griffin
AND let's not forget who introduced her!!! =)

Maggie Griffin

(Tip IT!)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Bully's Can't Keep Black Down

Rebecca Black Quits School Bullying

Let's face day she's going to have her own reality show. And sadly, I will be a loyal viewer.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writing is Hard

Writing is hard when you have way too many ideas that like to contradict each other, which swim inside your head and mock you because each path that these ideas lead your story will be gold. DAMN THEM!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whoa. UK devastation

UK: before and after riots

I don't think I like how Netflix thinks

Script Update

Re: the previously mentioned story from earlier.

Had Sissy read it her exact words "Snap! Could not put it down!" Which is of course great to hear. Working on how to construct it properly into a feature script and will listen to her ideas to try to make this a sweet script. Maaaan do I miss this side of me and this side of collaboration.


Oh, Heaven Help Us All...

CBS orders Bewitched remake script?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Things to Learn from

For two years of my Chapman University career I had a story. It evolved from a cycle film script, to a location film script, to a TV pilot. I considered turning it into a feature, however loved the idea of it as a TV show. I had a development class in which it was rejected. So I worked on it as a show instead. Cut to today:

I was talking with {The Dean} last night and mentioned your [ script] - he expressed interest in it and suggested you get it to [The Teacher who rejected your idea], who is running that program where they want to make low budget features. I don't know how far along you are in converting it into a feature, but let me know and I'll put you in touch with Travis (assuming you've got a script.)

So to all, even if it is rejected, try to form you story into as many outlets as possible. Or risk chance of a missed opportunity.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


You know what's really motivating when you decide that you want to look your best for an event (best being fit and as skinny as possible because 'hey, that's society') and so you try to work out, eat right, and let's be honest here, really suffer through every minute of it just to be able to slip on a tight shirt and gain some fancy attention? Being called FAT. Or at least having your weight pointed out. And even when you try to play it off with, "Hey at least I look good right?" getting the response of "Lose the weight". You know, that's ridiculous. Worse is that every time I attempt to work out I somehow injure myself. So really I'm risking injury and making myself suffer only to look more large than before I even started. Hm....

People keep asking me "why do you care what other people think?". And here's the thing. They are full of crap. They care, we ALL care. You HAVE TO care. But, here's what sucks. There's certain things you HAVE TO care about. There are other things you can SETTLE with. And it's sad how you can not care what others think and settle. But, it's rare to reach a certain wish/need/want when you settle with the best you can get. It's not that your wish/need/want isn't reachable. Odds just aren't in your favor.

I'm aware I mixed two subjects in one without any real differentiation. But, I don't care. It's either this or I go back to talking about Heidi and Spencer and of course Rebecca Black. Take your pick!

In conclusion; I'm tired of falling for this whole "image/ society's standard/ peer pressure" bull shit. Enough is enough. It's not that I'm not happy with myself. But, I am damn tired of settling. I don't settle in the workforce, with my friends, with my education. And I'll be damned if I'll do it anywhere else. I need a frequen sign, I am SO protesting this.

<3s & *s,