You know what's really motivating when you decide that you want to look your best for an event (best being fit and as skinny as possible because 'hey, that's society') and so you try to work out, eat right, and let's be honest here, really suffer through every minute of it just to be able to slip on a tight shirt and gain some fancy attention? Being called FAT. Or at least having your weight pointed out. And even when you try to play it off with, "Hey at least I look good right?" getting the response of "Lose the weight". You know, that's ridiculous. Worse is that every time I attempt to work out I somehow injure myself. So really I'm risking injury and making myself suffer only to look more large than before I even started. Hm....
People keep asking me "why do you care what other people think?". And here's the thing. They are full of crap. They care, we ALL care. You HAVE TO care. But, here's what sucks. There's certain things you HAVE TO care about. There are other things you can SETTLE with. And it's sad how you can not care what others think and settle. But, it's rare to reach a certain wish/need/want when you settle with the best you can get. It's not that your wish/need/want isn't reachable. Odds just aren't in your favor.
I'm aware I mixed two subjects in one without any real differentiation. But, I don't care. It's either this or I go back to talking about Heidi and Spencer and of course Rebecca Black. Take your pick!
In conclusion; I'm tired of falling for this whole "image/ society's standard/ peer pressure" bull shit. Enough is enough. It's not that I'm not happy with myself. But, I am damn tired of settling. I don't settle in the workforce, with my friends, with my education. And I'll be damned if I'll do it anywhere else. I need a frequen sign, I am SO protesting this.
<3s & *s,
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