Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beavis and Butthead's Return. Was it worth it?

Yes...for the first 15 minutes or so. The first story was current and hysterical. The second story felt it should've been a montage rather than an entire episode. Felt a little pointless, but then again in the world of Beavis and Butthead it kind of worked. Truth is each episode felt too short.

The commentary:

The first two music videos were the right length for my attention span, but I felt the commentary was, while funny, drawn out. It made the videos feel longer than they really were.

I like the new reality show aspect added but I felt it was the reverse of the music videos. The commentary was funny and the right amount of length but the clips were too long.

While I felt the return of Beavis and Butthead was flawed, it was still good. I'm glad they're back!

Favorite Quotes (edited):

Butthead (re Twilight, Eclipse): Well, this isn't very good.
Beavis: So um is Bella a zombie? She's always just like standing there with her mouth open and she acts like she's dead
Butthead: How come everybody whispers in these movies?
Beavis: They're probably embarrassed.

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