Thursday, October 6, 2011

Random Thought of the Night: Santa's Village

Does anybody remember Santa's Village? Anyone actually ever go to Santa's Village? My brother did. Closest I ever got to go was a family trip where I saw a sign that stated Santa's Village was a certain distance away. And to clarify, the family trip was not for Santa's Village. Though, I do remember snow. Ice snow. Also remember sleeping in a van and I think I remember Coca-cola. 

I looked it up. At one time I guess there were TWO Santa's Village's here in Cali. Both, of course shut down. I remember hearing the news. Sad.

Though thanks to the internet I did find out there is another one in New Hampshire. So I guess I can go if I really wanted to...though, that dream died out long ago. 

All this is courtesy of sleep deprivation and the pilot of American Horror Story. And possibly some Mountain Dew.



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